Application Notes & Pulse Sequences

Application Notes & Pulse Sequences

Application Notes & Pulse Sequences

General Overview

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The ZIP archives below contain the application note in Adobe pdf file format and the TNMR data file and pulse sequence.

For single resonance systems, e.g. (Apollo/Discovery HF1/LF1) download the single resonance ZIP archive where specified.

Tecmag users with multiple resonance systems, e.g. (Apollo/Discovery HF2/HF3/HF4) must download the ZIP archive for multiple resonance spectrometers. Warning!!! DO NOT DOWNLOAD THESE SEQUENCES UNLESS YOU HAVE AT LEAST VERSION 2.0 OF NTNMR. Check the version of NTNMR by going to the Help|About menu. To update an older version of NTNMR, please contact Tecmag’s support group

Pulse Sequences

  •  APT
    The Attached Proton Test (APT) experiment produces 13C-decoupled spectra with C-H multiplicity discrimination.
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  •  COSY (Magnitude)
    The COSY pulse sequence generates a 2D NMR spectrum that correlates homonuclear-coupled nuclei. The basic COSY technique with phase cycling for magnitude processing, 2D NMR data acquisition setup and processing on Tecmag spectrometers is described. An NMRscript is provided for 2D magnitude data processing.
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  •  COSY (Phase Sensitive — States)
    The basic procedure of 2D States (also called States-Haberkorn-Ruben, RuSH, or Hypercomplex) phase sensitive NMR data acquisition and processing on Tecmag spectrometers is described. An NMRscript is included for 2D States data processing.
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  •  COSY (Phase Sensitive — TPPI)
    This experiment incorporates the Time-Proportional receiver Phase Incrementation (TPPI) technique in the COSY pulse sequence to yield a pure absorption phase 2D spectrum. The basic procedure of 2D TPPI phase sensitive NMR data acquisition and processing on Tecmag spectrometers is described.  An NMRscript for the TPPI 2D data processing is provided.
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  •  DEPT-135
    The Distortionless Enhancement by Polarization Transfer (DEPT) experiment uses polarization transfer from protons to a X-nucleus to increase signal strength. The DEPT-135 sequence produces 13C-decoupled spectra with the methine (CH) and methyl (CH3) carbons phased upward while the methylene (CH2) carbons are downward.
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  •  DEPT Spectral Editing
    The spectral editing DEPT experiment acquires three raw DEPT spectra. While the CH spectrum can be directly obtained as one of the raw spectra, an NMRscript generates the CH2 and CH3 spectra using the three raw spectra.
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    The 2D C, H correlation experiment shows cross signals for all directly bonded 1H to 13C nuclei. The basic heteronuclear chemical shift correlation (HETCOR) experiment with phase cycling for magnitude processing, the procedure of 2D NMR data acquisition and processing is described. An NMRscript is provided for the 2D magnitude data processing.
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  •  INEPT
    The Insensitive Nuclei Enhanced by Polarization Transfer (INEPT) experiment increases the signal strength for nuclei with a low gyromagnetic ratio by transferring polarization from protons via the H,X spin coupling.
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  •  One Pulse NMR with WALTZ-16 Decoupling
    The WALTZ-16 is introduced to demonstrate the implementation of a composite pulse decoupling sequence. The WALTZ-16 sequence is applied as a subsequence. In NTNMR the Asynchronous function conveniently merges a subsequence into the main sequence.
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  •  REDOR
    Rotational-Echo Double-Resonance nuclear magnetic resonance (REDOR) is a magic-angle spinning experiment for measuring internuclear distances between heteronuclear spin pairs through the dipolar interaction.
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    The SELTICS (Sideband Elimination by Temporary Interruption of Chemical Shift) sequence suppresses spinning sidebands through multipulse narrowing of the chemical shift scale.
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  •  TOSS
    Total Suppression of Spinning Sidebands (TOSS) is achieved by using a series of 180-degree pulses at carefully determined points in a rotor cycle after excitation (initial 90 degree pulse or cross polarization).
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